lunes, 22 de abril de 2013




Mi proyecto va dirigido a alumnos pertenecientes a los niveles de 1º y 2º de ESO del Programa Bilingüe, existente en mi centro desde el pasado curso académico, donde contamos con 5 horas de inglés semanales, lo cual permite, con una mayor facilidad, mejorar el nivel de competencia lingüística de este alumnado introduciendo nuevos materiales en el aula.
Está orientado a trabajar todas y cada una de las distintas destrezas, de forma atractiva y lúdica, tanto dentro como fuera del marco del aula.
Es un blog de aula que ha sido creado como proyecto del curso de formación en línea "Uso de soportes web y elementos multimedia en la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras", el cual estará presente desde este momento en mi actual y futura práctica docente.


1. Fomentar el uso de las nuevas tecnologías.

2. Mejorar la competencia digital de los alumnos.

3. Estimular el aprendizaje cooperativo.

4. Introducir el blog como elemento de participación e interacción.

5. Utilizar herramientas digitales como instrumentos para el aprendizaje, el conocimiento y la comunicación.

6. Mejorar las destrezas orales y escritas en lengua inglesa utilizando las nuevas tecnologías.

7. Desarrollar la autonomía del alumno en el uso de nuevas herramientas digitales para obtener información y comunicarse en lengua extranjera.

8. Fomentar la participación activa del alumnado como protagonista de su propio proceso de aprendizaje.

9. Emplear Internet como instrumento de búsqueda de información.

10. Realizar actividades que incluyan el uso de soportes web.

11. Interactuar en un nuevo entorno de aprendizaje y con sus compañeros.

12. Utilizar el ordenador como un recurso didáctico más.

13. Identificar y adaptar los distintos ritmos de aprendizaje de los alumnos.

14. Motivar el aprendizaje con actividades atractivas, interesantes y actuales asumiendo las nuevas formas culturales del siglo XXI.

15. Ampliar los conocimientos relacionados con aspectos culturales de los países de habla inglesa (festividades, literatura, historia)

16. Introducir de forma paulatina el espíritu y el gusto por la investigación.


Fun ahead with English está basado en los contenidos que marca el currículo correspondientes a los niveles de 1º y 2º de ESO donde se practicarán, reforzarán y se ampliarán los mismos contenidos vistos en el aula.
Para cubrir tanto los objetivos marcados como los contenidos en cuestión, se ha incluido en este trabajo una propuesta de actividades curiosas, divertidas y variadas que despierten el interés de los alumnos, dado su carácter lúdico, tales como vídeos, juegos, trailers de películas, cortometrajes, canciones etc...
Todos los contenidos incluidos en el blog estarán directamente relacionados con aspectos lingüísticos y culturales de la lengua inglesa.
Me propongo que los alumnos estén lo suficientemente motivados  como para entrar en el blog de forma voluntaria y que estén convencidos de que se les brinda una herramienta con la que aprender inglés de forma amena y divertida.


  • Afianzar , reforzar  los contenidos impartidos en el aula.
  • Implementar algunos de los contenidos de forma muy controlada y guiada.
  • Mostrarles la amplia variedad de recursos digitales existentes en la web para mejorar su nivel de lengua inglesa en cada una de las  4 destrezas --Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing- ( con la consiguiente práctica de gramática y vocabulario), cuya práctica resulta fundamental en el aprendizaje de cualquier lengua extranjera.


Será eminentemente práctica, amena y colaborativa, invitando en todo momento a los alumnos a participar y a comentar cada una de las actividades propuestas en el blog.
Se trabajará tanto dentro como fuera del aula. Se alternará el trabajo en ambas direcciones para conseguir el mayor aprovechamiento posible. El feed-back será inmediato y la autocorrección constante.
Además se propondrá a los alumnos que participen de forma activa en la creación del blog, incluyendo sus comentarios y proponiendo nuevas actividades u otros links.
Será a nivel de gran grupo y semanalmente cuando se realicen algunas de las actividades propuestas en el blog, utilizando para ello cañón y pizarra digital o el aula de informática, cuando esté disponible, con miras a ir entrenando a los alumnos en el manejo de esta nueva herramienta digital.
En las sesiones dedicadas al blog, a diferencia de una clase convencional, la atención se centrará totalmente en los alumnos, siendo ellos los protagonistas de su propio proceso de aprendizaje, en donde el profesor adoptará el rol de guía o monitor y no de instructor.


Se utilizarán todos los disponibles para llevar a cabo la metodología planteada en el este proyecto:

             ·       Enlaces útiles e interesantes para alcanzar los objetivos marcados.
·       Vídeos y quizzes
·       Juegos
·       Canciones
·       Imágenes y presentaciones multimedia que    faciliten la comprensión
·       Pistas y reproductores de audio.
·       Otros blogs interesantes.
·       Bancos de recursos de lectura.

Afortunadamente y en relación en lo que al tema de recursos materiales se refiere, mi instituto es un centro digitalizado, por lo que nos podemos considerar aventajados, con respecto a otros institutos,  al contar con pizarras digitales interactivas en cada una de las aulas de ESO, lo que facilita y hace factible el uso de las nuevas tecnologías en el aula.


Este blog está bajo una licencia de Creative Commons: Reconocimiento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 3.0 España. 
Es decir, se permite su uso y distribución pero no está permitida la modificación ni comercialización de los contenidos.


La elaboración y el proceso de creación de mi blog ha conllevado un considerable esfuerzo y una gran dedicación a esta tarea en un periodo tan breve de tiempo, como son aproximadamente 2 meses, que es lo que abarcado este curso. Me ha sorprendido todo  lo que he podido aprender en tan poco tiempo y  he disfrutado un montón a lo largo de dicho proceso.
Navegar por la web en busca de actividades curiosas y apropiadas para incluirlas en mi blog ha hecho que el tiempo  pasara veloz y he de confesar que en algunos momentos esa búsqueda de materiales  se convirtió en una adicción.
A  nivel personal, la realización de este curso ha supuesto un giro en mi enfoque metodológico y en mi práctica docente, dadas las extraordinarias e impresionantes posibilidades que ofrece esta herramienta, tan adaptable a la realidad del aula, en función de los objetivos marcados y en donde el alumno adquiere protagonismo en su propio proceso de aprendizaje.

jueves, 18 de abril de 2013


Watch how images are created out of words using only the letters contained within the word itself.

1. Watch the video.

2. Memorise vocabulary. Make a list with the new words.

3. Homework. Complete the following story with                   appropiate words from the film:

One morning I woke up feeling _____, I had a cold and a _____. I looked at my _____ on the bedside table and saw that it was 11 o’clock. I got dressed and then put on a jacket, but I couldn’t do the _____ up as it was broken. Although I was on a _____, I decided it was a good _____ to have breakfast in a _____ restaurant. I left my flat and went down in the _____. As I was leaving my building, two young girls carrying red _____ were coming in. I walked to the _____ restaurant and ordered burger and chips. As I was eating my breakfast watched the news on the television, and I heard that there was going to be a total _____ of the sun at 12 o’clock that day. I looked at the _____ on the wall and saw that it was11.30. I quickly finished my breakfast and left through the main_____. I went back to my building and got the _____ to the top floor which is the thirteenth floor. As I’m very _____ I don’t normally like going to this floor, but I really wanted to see the total _____. On the top floor there is a roof terrace. I put on some special glasses and watched as the ______ completely covered the sun. It was so beautiful, like _____. I will never forget that day.

4. CLASS WORK. Write a narrative (story) about             the following topic: "A weekend to remember"

Last year we went camping for the first and last time!
We left ..................................................................................

You will have to continue the story by adding a sentence of your own. (Each student will write a new sentence)

Make notes about these questions:
  • Where did you go? 
  • Who did you go with?
  • What happened?
  • What were you doing when it happened? 
  • How did you feel?
  • What did you do later? 
Remember to use some adjectives to describe the journey, the place and what happened.


miércoles, 17 de abril de 2013


StickStuckStuck English Irregular Verb Forms in your head!!

Watch this video in which Fluency MC (Jason R. Levine) takes his irregular verb anthem to the stage in Brooklyn, New York City, USA.


Watch the new "The Karate Kid" trailer and then answer the questions below.



The boy and his mother fly on ___ plane.
an American
a Chinese
a Korean

The boy asks the man on the plane his ___.

The man on the plane is from ___.
New York

The girl in the cafeteria ___ the boy.
waves at
smiles at
talks to

The boys at school ___.
chase the boy
race the man
hate the girl

The boy wants to ___.
learn kung fu
fight the boys
go home

The kung fu teacher feels ___ the boy's new skills.
nervous about
disappointed with
proud of

martes, 16 de abril de 2013


3x3 from Nuno Rocha on Vimeo.

Activity: Describing a photo, watching a short film and speaking.

Topic: Physical appearance, intelligence and persistence.

Language: Adjectives to describe a person’s appearance and character, and expressions related to intelligence.

Materials: Short film and 2 photos.

Step 1

You are going to describe people’s physical appearance. Copy the following words from the board:

Pair Work: I´ll give you 10 minutes to come up with as many words as you can to describe face, hair and body.  (Get feedback from the whole class)

Step 2 (Pair work)
Now I´ll give each of you either photo A or photo B. 
Student A has to describe the person in his/her photo using some of the words he/she comes up with in the previous stage.
Student B has to listen and visualise the person being described. When student A has finished his/her description he/she shows the photo to student B who says if the person looks like how he/she had visualised. 
Now student B describes his/her photo and follows the same process.

Step 3
Anwer the following question:
What do you think the man in your photo is like as a person?
Compare the characters of the 2 men.

Step 4 (Groups)
Now you are going to watch a short film in which the 2 men appear. Answer the following questions:

What do you think the relationship between the 2 men is?
What story do you think the film will tell?
What do you think you will see in the film?

Step 5 (Pairs)
You are going to watch the start of the film and then you should answer the following questions:

What is the character of each man like?
What is the relationship between the 2 men?
Watch the film and pause at 02:20.(Get feedback from your  partners)

Step 6 (Pairs)
Answer the following questions: 

What is going to happen in the rest of the film?
What’s the thin man going to do?

Step 7
Now watch the rest of the film and  compare yout answers in the previous stage with what you see in the film.

Step 8 (Pairs)
Answer the following questions:

How do the 2 men feel at the end of the film?
Does the film have a message?
How did the film make you feel?

Step 9 (Pairs)
Write the following expressions:

“brains over brawn”
“all brawn and no brains”

Use a dictionary to find the meaning of the expressions and then  say how these expressions might apply to the story they have seen in the film. 

Step 10 (Pairs)
Write the following proverb:
Tis a lesson you should heed:
Try, try, try again.
If at first you don’t succeed,
Try, try, try again.

What is the meaning of the proverb...?
 Answer how the message of the proverb can be applied in your everyday life.

Write a short composition in which you have to describe how the proverb in the last stage can be applied in learning English.


Watch Steve Hall´s show at the programme Britain´s got talent. Enjoy the video and then answer the questions below.


How old is Steven Hall?

What's his job?
He is a telegrapher.
He is a telemarketer.
He is a telecommunications engineer.

How long has Steven been preparing for this act?
eight months
a year
one and a half year

Where does he rehearse?
in the bathroom
in the bedroom
in the kitchen

How does Steven feel about the performance?
He is looking forward to perfoming.
He feels stressed.
He is horrified.

Amanda says: " You've left me speechless" . She means that...
She doesn't have a voice in a matter
She has a sore throat and she can't speak.
She is so amazed that she doesn't know what to say.

Steven's performance was:
entertaining and dynamic

The judges were "dazzled" by the performance. It means that they were...
bored, tired
astonished, amazed
confused, uninterested

lunes, 15 de abril de 2013


Practise opposites watching and listening to Katy Perry´s videoclip  "Hot N Cold"

 1. Make a list with all the pairs of opposites  you hear in the song and/or watch in the video.(10)   - Identify the part of speech-

 2. Questions:

What's the opposite of 'cold'?

What's the opposite of 'right'?

What does 'make up' mean?
to argue or quarrel
to make peace with someone
to get red and angry

Complete the sentence: We used to be just like twins...?
...so I think
...so I sing
...so in sync

What's the opposite of 'boring'?

Complete the sentence: You change your mind like...?
...a girl change clothes
...a girl changes clouds
...a girl changes clothes

domingo, 24 de marzo de 2013


Artist Driven | What's Cookin? from LRG on Vimeo.
Level: Elementary
Activity: Watching a short film,speaking and vocabulary activities
Topic: Food and eating.
Language: Food vocabulary and eating habits.
Materials:A short film and discussion questions
Downloable materials: food discussion questions

Step 1: Write Food Rap on the board. Ask your students what it means. Get them to come up with ideas.

Step 2: Tell your students they are going to watch a short video which is a food rap, they should identify what a food rap is.

Step 3: Show the film a second time and ask students to identify the food shown and put it into the following categories:

 Fish and seafood:

Step 4: Food discussion question. Click here



Martine buys a jacket, a skirt, and ___ pairs of jeans.

Jaimie buys a ___.

Martine goes shopping every ___.

Jaime likes playing football every ___.

Martine takes Jaime to ___ more shops.

Martine tries on ___ pairs of shoes, but doesn't like them.

Martine buys a card for her ___, some chocolate, and some flowers.

Jaimie is not having a good time, but then he finds a ___ he likes.

Jaime has ___ guitars, but he buys one more.

jueves, 7 de marzo de 2013


Saint Patrick’s Day

Every 17 March, Irish people all over the world celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in honour of Saint Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. Let’s find out what was so special about that person.
When St.Patrick was born, his name actually was not Patrick but Maewyn. He grew up in Wales, but when he was 16, people kidnapped him and sold him into slavery in Ireland.
Maewyn spent six years as a slave in Ireland, but then he escaped and went to Gaul in France where he studied in a monastery for 12 years. Finally, Maewyn became a bishop and adopted the Christian name Patricius (in English: Patrick).
Later Patrick decided to go back to Ireland. Unlike many other missionaries before him, Patrick successfully converted Irish pagans to Christianity because he knew a lot about Irish life and their gods. So Patrick for example did not simply introduce the Christian cross – he put a sun behind it because he knew that the sun was an important symbol for the Irish. The so called Celtic Cross therefore is a cross with a circle symbolising the sun.
Furthermore, Patrick explained the holy Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) with the help of a shamrock, which grows everywhere in Ireland. The shamrock has three equally sized leaves and Patrick used this to show how the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit could exist as separate elements of the same entity.
There are several legends about St. Patrick, for example that he banned all snakes from Ireland (still now there are no snakes in Ireland). People also say that Patrick met some Irish legends such as the Children of Lir.
Patrick died on 17 March 461. That day now is a national holiday in Ireland and there are parades in the streets and music everywhere. Not only in Ireland – Irish emigrants took this tradition all over the world. So there will most probably be a St. Patrick’s Day party in an Irish pub near you. Why not go there and get a little St. Patrick’s Day feeling? Have a good time and sing along. Here are two traditional Irish songs that will surely be sung in every Irish pub that night: Whiskey in the Jar and The Wild Rover.

Questions on the text:

Are the statements true or false?. Correct the false ones.                    
  1. St. Patrick spent his childhood in Ireland.
  2. St. Patrick knew the Irish very well.
  3. 17 March is the day of St. Patrick’s birth.
  4. St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated in many countries.
  5. St. Patrick loved snakes.
  6. 17 March is a holiday only in Britain.

Visit the following website:


 What are the Americans like?

  Watch and listen to this video carefully and then do the exercises below:
      1.      June is from England. According to June, Americans are                self-confident. Self-confident is  very similar to:
               1.  self-assured
               2.  self-employed
               3.  self-propelled 
      2.     Words similar to Friendly and accommodating are:
               1. loud, over the top
               2. cold, cool, frigid
               3. amicable, neighborly, warm
      3.     Open has 29 definitions. One definition is:
               3.not reserved.

     4.      Americans are not usually silent or discreet.
              In fact, they are often...

     5. Interviewer: What are the Americans like?
         Catherine: Very friendly. Very outgoing. Uhm, loud. you know,
                            just very outspoken, really.
         Synonyms for outspoken are:
               1.sincere and free
               2.welcoming and hospitable
               3.discreet and reserved

     6. In Jessie's opinion, Americans are
               2 .normal
               3 .thin

      7. Complete the crossword


4. having too much self-assurance
5. fat
6. sincere and free
7. extroverted, sociable, not inhibited
8. amicable, neighborly, warm
10. of assistance
11. audacious, tactless
12. not reserved


1. marked by intensity or volume of sound
2. restrained, secretive
3. willing to please, helpful
9. pleasant, agreeable


miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2013


Have a look at these websites to learn and revise them!!

Choosing Adjectives

English Exercises: ADJECTIVE ENDINGS - ed/ing

more from: http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/viewgame.asp?id=3385

English Exercises: Personality adjectives

more from: http://www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/viewgame.asp?id=2941

iKeepBookmarks.com - Moreland/3rd Grade/Language/Parts of Speech/Adjectives - Member Server

more from http://www.learningplanet.com/act/rats/rats3.asp?rats_advadj

Adjectives - ESL Resources

And to practise with more adjectives, listen to "The Logical Song" by Supertramp and do the activities related to the song

1.-  Write the words for the following phonetic transcriptions and then fill in the boxes.

/rIs'pekt¶bl/ ______________
/rI s: 'p o n s¶ b l /________________
/p r I : 'ze nt ¶ b l / ________________
/d I : p e n d ¶ bl / ________________
/v ed Z t ¶ b l / ________________
/¶ k' s e p t ¶ b l / ________________

2.-Find the word that matches the definitions:
…………………………….: someone you can be sure that they will always act consistently or sensibly.
…………………………….: a person who is able to do good decisions and judgements based on reason
…………………………….: Someone who is approved of by society and considered to be morally correct
…………………………….: A very sick or disabled person
…………………………….: someone who is good enough
…………………………….: people who behave properly and sensibly (without needing to be supervised).
…………………………….: Someone who looks fairly tidy or attractive

3.- Fill in the gaps with words ending in -al
When i was young
it seemed that life was so wonderful
A miracle, oh it was beautiful, ……………………
And all the birds in the trees
Well they´d be singing so happily
Oh joyfully, oh playfully watching me
But then they sent me away
To teach me how to be …………………………..
…………………, oh …………………………., …………………
And they showed me a world
where i could be so ………………………….
Oh ……………………, oh ……………………, …………………

There are times when all the world´s asleep
The questions run too deep
For such a simple man
Won´t you please, please tell me what we´ve learned
I know it sounds absurd
But please tell me who i am
Now watch what you say
Or they´ll be calling you a ……………………
A ……………………, oh ……………………, ……………………
Oh won´t you sign up your name
We´d like to feel you´re
…………………………. , …………………………., Oh ………………………. , a …………………………. !

At night when all the world´s asleep
The questions run too deep
For such a simple man
Won´t you please,please tell me what we´ve learned
I know it sounds absurd
But please tell me who i am, who i am ,who i am

4. In which column would you put the adjectives? Look at the examples




- Dependable: someone you can be sure that they will always act consistently or sensible.
- Sensible: able to make good decisions and judgements based on reason
- Respectable: Someone who is approved of by society and consider to be morally correct
- Someone who looks fairly tidy or attractive
- A very sick or disabled person
- Acceptable: someone who is good enough
- Responsible: people who behave properly and sensibly (without needing to be supervised).

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